Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Want to lose weight? Get a dog...........

So its official. You're now 4 months into that new years resolution to get in shape and your momentum is starting to slow. Don't worry, everyone else is starting to slow also. This may partly be due to the monotony of going to the gym, doing the same old routine. Lets face it, staring at that tv screen while jogging on that stationary treadmill going nowhere isn't very appealing.

Running outdoors is another option. But running alone can also be a bit boring. Having a running partner can give you the motivation to get out everyday and knock that workout out. Now if you could only find that perfect running buddy that will always be on time, ready and willing without any excuses and have a huge smile on their face every time you even hint the idea of going for a jog. You guessed it, it's not your neighbor. It's your dog, or your soon to be dog.

Dogs are, with out a doubt, the best running partners on the planet! They will run anywhere, anytime and just about any distance you plan to go. They let you set the pace, choose the route and will hang with you rain or shine. This is probably more then I can say about your buddy next door.

Dogs are built for running. Running gives dogs a sense of purpose. Most breeds want to work on a daily basis and without a daily exercise routine, they will find other ways to stimulate this need. Such as excessive barking, destructive behavior etc. So, not only is this daily routine going to aid you in accomplishing your fitness goals, it is also extremely beneficial for you dog. Both physically and mentally. Sort of a win-win for all those involved.

Now, if you don't already have a running dog, or you're wondering if your dog is a good candidate for daily running. Here is a list of the more suitable breeds for long distance running:

American Pit Bull Terrier
American Stafford-shire Terrier
Australian Cattle Dog
Australian Shepherd
Border Collies
Brittany Spaniel
Coon Hounds

Doberman Pinscher
Fox Terriers
German Shepherds
Jack Russell Terriers
Rhodesian Ridge back
Siberian Huskies
Standard Poodles

This isn't an absolute list be any means. But, it is s good start to determining a breed to fit
your daily routine. Of course, you need to consider a breed that will fit in well with the rest of your life. Not, just as an exercise partner, so choose wisely.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Does an "invisible gate" really work?

We have had a lot of customers ask us about the "Invisible Gate" method. For those of you who are not familiar with this term, it is used in the invisible fence industry to describe a method in which to get a pet to cross his/her invisible fence line to take them for a walk, etc. It is explained that as long as you exit with your dog at the same point, such as a corner of the yard, every time you want your pet to exit his/her boundary, your dog will  learn that it is safe to exit at this point. We could not disagree with this more! Dogs are very black and white. No I'm not describing a Dalmatian but rather a dog's learning behavior. There is no "gray" area where a dog will understand that "oh it's Tuesday morning, now I can exit the yard" because you want to take them for a walk. Once the underground fence training process is complete and your dog fully understands their new boundaries, the first time you attempt to walk them out of the yard on that Tuesday morning for a walk, your dog will put up an enormous fight. You will be getting strange looks from the neighbors while you try and drag your dog across the line that you have taken the time to teach them to avoid in the first place. I've always been baffled with some of our competitors advising this method to customers. Here is what we advise as an alternative to confusing your dog and causing unnecessary stress. You need to get your dog off of the ground, in order to allow him/her to exit their invisible fence. This way they do not associate the fact that they are exiting the yard. I know this sounds odd, but bare with me. The best way to take your dog for a walk or for any other reason to exit their boundary, is to remove the fence receiver collar from your dog and then say the command "walk" or "lets go for a walk" and then if they are a small/medium size breed, pick them up and exit the yard, place them on the side walk and enjoy your walk. When you return from your walk, reverse this process and place your dog safely back within the boundary and reapply the receiver collar. If your dog is too large to carry out of the yard, have them hop onto the back seat of your car or bed of your truck, back out of the boundary, have them hop back out and then go for your walk. Reverse this process when you return. You can also use an ATV or even a wagon. Just as long as they are off the ground when you cross the boundary. This way your dog will associate either you, your truck, car or wagon with the safe and ONLY way out of the yard. This will eliminate any confusion and stress for your dog and guarantee that they will remain safely contained within your invisible fence boundaries.